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November 9, 2006 on 9:00 pm | In Malware analysis | No Comments

 Originally posted Jan 16 2005, 04:56 PM


Received from my friend again.  🙂

A file that starts from the All Users Startup folder.
Microsoft Windows.hta

When run it fetches a file called msupdate.cmd
This one in return selfdestructs when run and creates two files in the
Local Settings\Temp folder
One called win**.tmp.js and one called win**.tmp (** are random digits)
The latter one tries to contact three sites

Then it hijacks several IE URL’s to the domain

Total Uninstall log made 16-1-2005 16:33:43

Files & Folders
  (FOLDER) C:\WINDOWS\Prefetch
      (+)(FILE) = 16:27 16-01-05 12818 bytes
      (+)(FILE) = 16:27 16-01-05 41564 bytes
      (+)(FILE) = 16:27 16-01-05 20168 bytes
      (+)(FILE) = 16:29 16-01-05 16898 bytes
      (+)(FILE) = 16:27 16-01-05 31558 bytes
      (+)(FILE) = 16:29 16-01-05 23302 bytes

    (REGISTRY KEY) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
      (+)(REG VALUE) Search Bar = ‘’
      (+)(REG VALUE) Use Search Asst = ‘no’
      (*)(REG VALUE) Default_Page_URL
        ‘’ ==> ‘’
      (*)(REG VALUE) Default_Search_URL
        ‘’ ==> ‘’
      (*)(REG VALUE) Search Page
        ‘’ ==> ‘’
      (*)(REG VALUE) Start Page
        ‘’ ==> ‘’
    (REGISTRY KEY) HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1947229034-1613120521-1437238077-1008\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
      (+)(REG VALUE) Search Bar = ‘’
      (+)(REG VALUE) Use Search Asst = ‘no’
      (*)(REG VALUE) Search Page
        ‘’ ==> ‘’
      (*)(REG VALUE) Start Page
        ‘’ ==> ‘’
    (REGISTRY KEY) HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1947229034-1613120521-1437238077-1008\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags\108\Shell
      (*)(REG VALUE) MinPos800x600(1).x
        -32000 ==> -1
      (*)(REG VALUE) MinPos800x600(1).y
        -32000 ==> -1
      (*)(REG VALUE) WinPos800x600(1).left
        189 ==> 29
      (*)(REG VALUE) WinPos800x600(1).right
        789 ==> 629
    (REGISTRY KEY) HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1947229034-1613120521-1437238077-1008\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags\109\Shell
      (*)(REG VALUE) MinPos800x600(1).x
        -32000 ==> -1
      (*)(REG VALUE) MinPos800x600(1).y
        -32000 ==> -1
      (*)(REG VALUE) ScrollPos800x600(1).y
        151 ==> 213
      (*)(REG VALUE) WinPos800x600(1).left
        189 ==> 29
      (*)(REG VALUE) WinPos800x600(1).right
    (REGISTRY KEY) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main
      (+)(REG VALUE) Search Bar = ‘’
      (+)(REG VALUE) Use Search Asst = ‘no’
      (*)(REG VALUE) Search Page
        ‘’ ==> ‘’
      (*)(REG VALUE) Start Page
        ‘’ ==> ‘’
    (REGISTRY KEY) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags\108\Shell
      (*)(REG VALUE) MinPos800x600(1).x
        -32000 ==> -1
      (*)(REG VALUE) MinPos800x600(1).y
        -32000 ==> -1
      (*)(REG VALUE) WinPos800x600(1).left
        189 ==> 29
      (*)(REG VALUE) WinPos800x600(1).right
        789 ==> 629
    (REGISTRY KEY) HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ShellNoRoam\Bags\109\Shell
      (*)(REG VALUE) MinPos800x600(1).x
        -32000 ==> -1
      (*)(REG VALUE) MinPos800x600(1).y
        -32000 ==> -1
      (*)(REG VALUE) ScrollPos800x600(1).y
        151 ==> 213
      (*)(REG VALUE) WinPos800x600(1).left
        189 ==> 29
      (*)(REG VALUE) WinPos800x600(1).right
        789 ==> 629

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