The reason
The first time I registered on a computerforum was in 2001 at the Dutch Helpmij Forum.
Quickly I became interested in helping remove malware and learned a lot from the team of experts that was at the time working at SpywareInfo.
I was very surprised when I was invited into their midst and even more thrilled when I was nominated to become a Microsoft MVP at the end of 2003. I got this award for 12 years straight. Due to Microsofts’ lessened interest in Consumer Security I was not renewed for 2016.
It really makes my day when I find a new piece of malware and, better yet, a way to remove it from the victims computers.
That is what this blog is for. To share my findings with anyone that might find it interesting.
So, my hope is that you will enjoy reading it as much as I have creating it.
Take care out there. The internet is a jungle. It mixes danger and things of great beauty.
In december 2009 I accepted a position at Malwarebytes to be their blogger. So a pointer will be posted to the full descriptions at their forums. My contributions to their blog can be found here.
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